Jimi Hendrix | $150,000

The music industry has introduced us to many great artists and musicians. With that said, it’s safe to say that it would be a disservice not to acknowledge the achievements Jimi Hendrix made throughout his career. During his childhood, Hendrix already had a high degree of passion for music – he’d even play with a broom and pretend it was a guitar. At 15 years old, he finally got his first acoustic guitar, a milestone that undoubtedly started his journey to becoming one of the world’s greatest guitarists.

Although his career on-stage and on the airwaves only lasted for four years, Hendrix still managed to leave a long and lasting mark in the industry. In fact, some of the artists he has influenced through the years include notable figures like Joe Satriani, Prince, Halsey, Stevie Ray Vaughan, and the Beastie Boys. Today, Hendrix is among the many talented artists inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame – he’s also since found a spot on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
